Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dark Room

When we’re alone
We find ourselves in a dark room
Where our vision is of no power
So we shout ,scream and hit with the hope of the walls tearing down and
that the unknown destiny behind them is our cure

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The End Of Something I Never Actually Started Taking Myself As A Motive

And in the end, when she had everything a girl like her would ever want, she sat down on her desk next to the window from which sunlight came in. Opened her journal and started writing the dreams she didn't think of as something important before but the fact that they were impossible to achieve now, made her the happiest for what she already had.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I guess I was not sad about it all. I was angry at people who made me care and feel.  Because I was never that kind of a person. I did not like to care nor feel  and the more people brought that into me the more angry I became.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Ivy house

There has been always something about houses covered in ivy.
How they are naked in winter
covered in branches
dull and lifeless.
It's like a person's ribcage after their heart has been broken
Nothing grows there
because of the cold and the absence of the light.
And once spring comes
everything blooms again
The ivy covers the house again
all over
There is just something comforting about looking at the pure green plant hugging every inch of the house.
It's like the warmth of someone new
someone who came after winter to
comfort you
let your body come alive again.
There is so much beauty in something so simple
something only nature can give you.
and perhaps when i'm old and grey
I would be sitting on the front porch of my ivy covered house
with the person who let the light inside of me again.

3 am

cornerless room I saw
while my vision was getting compromised
by my sour tears.
And i just stood there
staring at myself in the mirror
all i saw was a shadow
a white pale ghost
suddenly the mirror fell down and cracked
i picked up and hung it up again
the picture was now clear
the white pale ghost
was my soul
the bed felt like a safe haven
when a mind dizzying
sound broke my brain cells into
i looked at the clock which glass's reflected the moonlight
the time was 3 am
I thought to myself that my widowed neighbour had too much to drink again.
the second i picked up the phone
i heard a deep low voice asking if it was rude of them to call at this hour
i said that it does not matter because they already have called
and why would an emotionally unstable person care anyway?
Everything went silent
He hung up.
What an arse.
Didn't his mother tell him to stay away from sociopathic women?
Then it rang again.
I let the voice mail go on
and i heard
"Hello baby, it's me again, it's pretty late, but i still have some tears to shed"
I looked to the window on my right, the apartments were all light free.
Then on floor 2nd ,Apartment 6
There was a shadow of something i couldnt recognize
Maybe because the window was shattered
After I went to bed again it went away
It took me years to realize that every night at 3 am
i stared out of my right window
and that the shattered Apartment 6 window's shadow
was me ,looking for someone to save me
But the only thing i heard
was the voice inside my head
calling the phone
every night
3 am.